Your Constant Outrage is Killing You

Terra Walker
6 min readNov 22, 2020


We see the anger everywhere. You’re probably upset about something now, if you’re reading this. I know I am. I’m outraged about all we’re having to live through and deal with right now, I’m having a difficult time with all the outrage. It doesn’t help that, no matter how I adjust it, my social feed is filled with people complaining about this or that — much of it absolutely justified. It’s like some of them are just looking for reasons to be angry, and trying to get everyone else to be mad about it with them. I get it. You don’t like our President, the high-priced rent, your car always…



Terra Walker

Food Blogger. Story Teller. World Traveler. Star Gazer. Polymath. Broncos Fan. Social Butterfly. ACHD + cPTSD Survivor. Kicking breast cancer in the dingding.